Te Uaratanga o Te Ataarangi
National Statement
To teach the Māori language as a medium through which the wellbeing of the world and of human beings might be raised.
A core value of Te Ataarangi is ngākau māhaki – the concept of ngākau māhaki incorporates the human values of truth, peace, harmony, right and proper conduct, non-violence, love, kindness and goodwill. Being “ngākau māhaki” unites the learners into a single cohesive group learning together, mindful of, and respectful of each other’s needs.
Te Ataarangi
Regional Statement
Te Ataarangi ki Te Tauihu o Te Waka-a-Māui upholds the above by fostering and promoting immersion teaching and learning opportunities across the Top of the South, with the aim of a strengthened reo capacity amongst the whānau, hapū, iwi and communities.
We are community focused and have a commitment to supporting communities to grow their own tutors to meet their ongoing local needs going forward. We work to create a safe, non-threatening environment in which optimum learning is realised.
Ngā Hapori
We offer courses, programmes, activities and gatherings delivered in the local spaces and places where whānau, hapū, iwi and communities gather such as marae, community centres, public events, markets, schools, halls, eateries and establishments.
Tutor Training
Whakangungu Kaiwhakaako
We offer training courses, programmes, activities and gatherings delivered locally that support emergent and practising tutors.